Future For Our Kids
A website for parents of transitional age special needs youth and adults by parents of the same.
This web site and its related pages are intended to provide information for your own purposes. This information should not be considered to be completely error free, nor should it be used as an exclusive basis for decision making. Therefore the use of this information is strictly voluntary and at the user's sole risk. Future For Our Kids is not responsible for the contents of any outside sites through any external links provided, and such links are not an endorsement of the external site as to its quality, accuracy or completeness in any other way.
Future For Our "Kids" at a Glance
A Bit of Background
We are parents of transition age adults and older with developmental disabilities. As we plan for our children's futures we found the resources are often scattered. The goal of this website is to be a starting place for parents beginning their search for information. This website is not meant to be a complete list of all resources available but instead a helping hand.
Zoom Meetings
We have monthly zoom meetings on topics such as housing, SLS, ILS, Roommate matching, special needs trusts, social skills, SDP and many more topics. To be added to our email list please email: futureforourkidsca@gmail.com
Future For Our Kids In The Community
Advocacy at The Capitol!
Support for AB 3156
I/DD Awareness Month!
Sierra College Adult Transition Day
Conservatorship or
Supported Decision Making
Which is best for your adult child?
Disability Housing Alliance
The Disability Housing Alliance (DHA) is a newly formed group of parents and family members, self-advocates, and organizations who are dedicated to increasing housing options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The group includes Future For Our Kids, Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), Housing Now, and Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS). Future For Our Kids is the point of contact for the group and is a Placer County resource for parents of transition age kids and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who gather regularly to discuss planning a life of quality for adult children with IDD. If you are interested please send an email to futureforourkidsca@gmail.com to be added to the DHA email list.
Help with Day-to-Day Living
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Supported Living Services help individuals exercise meaningful choice and control in their daily lives, including where and with whom to live. SLS is designed to foster individuals’ nurturing relationships, full membership in the community, and work toward their long-range personal goals.
SLS consists of a broad range of services to adults with developmental disabilities who, through the Individual Program Plan (IPP) process (through the regional center), choose to live in homes they themselves own or rent in the community. SLS may include assistance with selecting and moving into a home; choosing personal attendants and housemates; acquiring household furnishings; common daily living activities and emergencies; becoming a participating member in community life; managing personal financial affairs, as well as other supports.
In-Home Supportive Services
California’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program provides services to qualified aged, blind, and /or disabled individuals. The goal of the program is to allow people to remain safely in their own homes and avoid the need for out of home care.
Placer County
Sacramento County
Yolo County
Independent Living Services (ILS)
Provide services to adults with developmental disabilities that offer functional skills training necessary to secure a self-sustaining, independent living situation in the community and/or may provide the support necessary to maintain those skills. Individuals typically live alone or with roommates in their own homes or apartments.
Independent Living Programs, which are vendored and monitored by regional centers, provide or coordinate support services, referred to as Independent Living Services (ILS), for individuals in independent living settings. They focus on functional skills training for adults who generally have acquired basic self-help skills or who, because of their physical disabilities, do not possess basic self-help skills, but who employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting their personal needs.
Adult Day Programs
Adult day programs provide a place outside the home for adults with all types of disabilities to be active in the community, socialize with peers, and learn and practice skills through structured activities.
This is only a partial list of agencies that provide these services and this information list is not an endorsement for these programs.
Among one of the best ways that we can empower our "kids" is allowing them to make independent choices toward their day to day lives including activities and how to get there and back. Here are a few ways that they can get around the city easily!
Social & Recreation
Some of the programs and resources our parents use for opportunities for social and recreation are:
Relationships & Sexuality
Our Sexuality, Our Health:
A Disabled Advocate’s Guide to Relationships, Romance, Sexuality and Sexual Health
University of California, San Francisco
Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality:
From Adolescence Through Adulthood
By Isabelle Henault
Autistics' Guide To Dating:
A Book By Autistics
By Emilia Murray & Jody John Ramey
Making Sense Of Sex:
A Forthright Guide to Puberty
By Sarah Attwood
College Planning Guide
Sierra College Student Services
Contact Future For Our Kids
For answers to specific questions please consider going to the facebook page: SPADD (Sac Parents of Adults with Developmental Disabilities)
For additional information, or to suggest information for this site, please email: futureforourkidsca@gmail.com
If you have information to add, please email our volunteers at:
Future Planning Resources